Tuesday, September 27, 2011

3 Nuts with Guts... Finally got Leh'd

Juley, my dears. I know its been quite sometime since we did this trip. But finally pulled out some time to post this photologue.
The title might sound a little too much… No offense but among my circle of friends, no one had the guts to do this trip fearing the AMS and heights etc.


For most of the travelers LADAKH is one of the dream destinations. I wasn’t an exception to it. I had been dreaming about this for several years, spending loads of time reading tons of information online like travelogues, reviews and guides hoping I will hit this place in 2011. And finally with Anda (Ananthanarayanan) and Vijay by my side I did it. What an experience it was! I was literally blown away  by the Mother Nature. I was speechless seeing them.

How this started

A friend of mine did Ladakh in 2007. Since then I have always dreamt of doing it once in my life time. I use to keep updating myself with the happenings and news in Ladakh. that is when I came across this beautiful travelogue by vardhan.harsh 


This gave me the kickback and made me desperate to see this god’s best creation.

Seeing the travelogue my friend and I decided to do it. We thought it will be fun to have more company. But people were very busy and afraid to do this. It was Vijay alone who gave a yes. So the “3 Nuts with Guts” started planning for the first adventurous trip of their lives ;)


This is how things went

Planning for this trip wasn’t that easy. We had too many hurdles and hindrances to cross financially/officially/personally. 

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